If you've already purchased your ticket, your foresight utterly trounces my own, and my hat off to you sir or madame or steam-powered automaton! Here's how this works:
On Saturday morning, proceed past the port-cochere for day tickets (90 minutes only, no in-and-out-priveleges, no cabaret) and into the foyer to the Reception table. Your name will be on the will-call list, a term here meaning "Honey, I think this is a show biz term and I don't think the attendees will know what it means" which is followed by an "Of course everyone knows what it means or they would have said something by now." Anyway that's the list you're on. And your ticket will consist of a wristband that you must never, ever remove upon your very peril, sir or madame or steam-powered automaton.
Your wristband allows you to dwell in the castle at some leisure, come and go as you please throughout the duration of the event (and possibly longer if you are able to overcome the security. I've taken their measure and my wager in this matter is entirely your favour – unless and until the constabulary is called upon. But I digress) AND permits your admission to the delicious and indulgent Saturday night cabaret – which I am compelled to again stress is a stand-up wander-around event and not a sit-down and watch sort of affair.
Are day-tickets available?
Are day-tickets available?
No. Honestly.
Are day-tickets available?
Fine. You may, at the port-cochere, purchase a 90 minute no-in-and-out-privileges no-cabaret ticket from the Castle itself. These tickets are for a castle-visit only. But day-tickets for the event per se are not available.
I'm terribly confused.
As am I. Therefore I'm quite likely the source of your confusion, and I shall be on hand personally to delegate your concern or query to someone less confused than myself, while I attend to an urgent matter at the bar, and I apologize for the contagion of intellectual discombobulation. I have no-one to blame but myself. And my mother. And my archnemesis, the fiend.